Character Sheet: Level 1
Name: ? Player: Gavin Level: 1. Race: Human (Elemental Water) Class: Rogue Background: Urchin Age: ? Alignment: ? Size: Medium (?'?" & ?lbs.). Speed: 30' (Walk/Swim). Proficiency Bonus: +2 Item Proficiencies: Light Armour, Simple weapons, Hand-Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords, Navigators' Tools & Thieves' Tools Languages: Common, Elven, Primordial (Aquan) & Thieves' Cant. Features: Amphibious, Call to the Wave, City Secrets, Expertise (Perception/Sleight of Hand), Resistance (Acid), Sneak Attack (1D6).
Strength: 10 (--) ATHLETICS: +2 DEXTERITY: 15 (+2) ACROBATICS: +4 SLEIGHT OF HAND: +6 Stealth: +2 Constitution: 10 (--) INTELLIGENCE: 14 (+2) Arcana: +2 History: +2 Investigation: +2 Nature: +2 Religion: +2 Wisdom: 10 (--) Animal Handling: -- Insight: -- Medicine: -- PERCEPTION: +4 SURVIVAL: +2 Charisma: 14 (+2) Deception: +2 Intimidation: +2 Performance: +2 Persuasion: +2
Spell Attack Mod.: -- Spell Save DC: -- Spell Slots: 0 Cantrips: Shape Water
Hit Dice/Total HP: 1D8/8 Saving Throws: Dexterity & Intelligence. Passive Perception: 14 Initiative: +3 Armour Class: 14 (Leather Armour) Attacks: Rapier (+4 to hit, 1D8+2 Piercing) Dagger (+4 to hit, 1D4+2 Piercing)
Money: 1GP/4E/50SP/100CP Equipment: Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Common Clothes, Map (Heavenhill), Mess Kit, Pet (?), Quiver (20/20 arrows), Tinderbox, Token (sentimental), Torch (10), Rations (10), Rope (Hempen, 50), Small Knife, Thieves' Tools, Waterskin. Weapons & Armour: Shortbow, Rapier, 2 Daggers, Leather Armour.
Character Sheet: Level 2
Name: ? Player: Gavin Level: 1. Race: Human (Elemental Water) Class: Rogue Background: Urchin Age: ? Alignment: ? Size: Medium (?'?" & ?lbs.). Speed: 30' (Walk/Swim). Proficiency Bonus: +2 Item Proficiencies: Light Armour, Simple weapons, Hand-Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords, Navigators' Tools & Thieves' Tools Languages: Common, Elven, Primordial (Aquan) & Thieves' Cant. Features: Amphibious, Call to the Wave, City Secrets, Cunning Action, Expertise (Perception/Sleight of Hand), Resistance (Acid), Sneak Attack (1D6).
Strength: 10 (--) ATHLETICS: +2 DEXTERITY: 15 (+2) ACROBATICS: +4 SLEIGHT OF HAND: +6 Stealth: +2 Constitution: 10 (--) INTELLIGENCE: 14 (+2) Arcana: +2 History: +2 Investigation: +2 Nature: +2 Religion: +2 Wisdom: 10 (--) Animal Handling: -- Insight: -- Medicine: -- PERCEPTION: +4 SURVIVAL: +2 Charisma: 14 (+2) Deception: +2 Intimidation: +2 Performance: +2 Persuasion: +2
Spell Attack Mod.: -- Spell Save DC: -- Spell Slots: 0 Cantrips: Shape Water
Hit Dice/Total HP: 2D8/13 (8+0/5+0) Saving Throws: Dexterity & Intelligence. Passive Perception: 14 Initiative: +3 Armour Class: 14 (Leather Armour) Attacks: Rapier (+4 to hit, 1D8+2 Piercing) Dagger (+4 to hit, 1D4+2 Piercing)
Money: 1GP/4E/50SP/100CP Equipment: Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Common Clothes, Map (Heavenhill), Mess Kit, Pet (?), Quiver (20/20 arrows), Tinderbox, Token (sentimental), Torch (10), Rations (10), Rope (Hempen, 50), Small Knife, Thieves' Tools, Waterskin. Weapons & Armour: Shortbow, Rapier, 2 Daggers, Leather Armour.